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Freeware 213 KB

Window 8 Compatible

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Windows10Compatible lists downloads from various software publishers, so if you have a question regarding a particular software contact the publisher directly. The download links for Bitcoin Faucet Surfer are provided to you by Windows10Compatible without any warranties, representations or gurantees of any kind, so download at your own risk.

Publisher Description

Bitcoin Faucet Surfer by: William Nabaza of and Bitcoin Faucet Surfer - 1 Program - 100+ Faucet by: William R. Nabaza of, Prepare your bitcoin address to put in the box provided that you can do for 30 seconds or less and wait for another faucet to open up. If you are done on each faucet close the tab so you will not run out of memory. Do this everyday so you are sure you will earn bitcoin. If you want a customized program like this you need to donate to me via bitcoin. Email me at Every week I'll be adding lots of bitcoin faucets to it, easily upgrade by downloading the latest version. filename: bitcoin-faucet-surfer.exe


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